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No More Gatekeepers, Only Gateways

NetSepio secures your last mile, unlocks a borderless web.
Explore the future, together.

Unleash the Power of Future Internet

Empowering Connectivity

Netsepio introduces our groundbreaking decentralized internet solution, designed to advance the adoption of decentralized networks. Featuring superior capabilities, robust performance, and competitive pricing, Netsepio is ideal for those exploring the potential of decentralized internet. Built on the innovative DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network), our platform is tailored to enhance internet access and foster global digital ecosystems, ensuring secure and unrestricted connectivity for all.

Browser Extension

Combines your Web3 wallet with AI-driven insights and reviews for every site you explore, giving you the power to make safer and more informed online decisions.


Web App

Leave verified reviews, manage projects with ease, and secure your internet connection with a built-in VPN. All while earning rewards for your participation.



Tap into redefined digital connectivity and unleash the future of internet with globally accessible, secure and private network through the power of DePIN.


Mobile App

Empower your online activity with our Erebrus mobile app for secure, private and accessible network. We utilize NFTs for robust privacy and decentralization.



Redefined digital connectivity for enterprises. Unleash the future of internet with a secure and private network with firewall and dedicated ÐVPN.



Join this insightful podcast with the architects of a secure tomorrow, where our team of experts cracks the code on DePIN, online privacy, security, and the future of decentralized Web.


Boost Your Online Security withTrusted, Verified Reviews

A Win-Win for Communities and Enterprises


Unleash Secure Wi-Fi, Explore a Borderless Web

Erebus safeguards last-mile connections and unlocks borderless browsing, allowing users to explore freely, securely and confidently.


Supercharge User Loyalty & Expand Reach

Empower users with sponsored secure Erebus VPN. Increase user engagement and loyalty, fostering a stronger business foundation.


Become a Network Guardian

Turn existing hardware into a ÐWi-Fi & ÐVPN powerhouse, fortifying the network and securing a lucrative passive income stream..

ÐWifi Revolutionizing Wireless Access

Share unused bandwidth turns each participant
into both a provider and consumer.

Join the Winners!

Download the BrowserExtension Today

Tune into Expert NetCast

Stay ahead of the curve on DePIN, online privacy, security, and the future of decentralized Web.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Decentralized Peer Discovery

Connects you with others on the network without relying on a central authority. This innovative approach fosters a more secure and censorship-resistant online experience.

NFT Subscription

NFT subscriptions unlock exclusive content within our decentralized network. This ownership model goes beyond traditional subscriptions, offering both benefits and a stake in a secure, private internet for all.

Encrypted tunneling

NetSepio's ÐVPN (Decentralized VPN) technology encrypts your data, creating a secure and private tunnel for your online activities. Travel the web with confidence, knowing your information is protected.


NetSepio builds on blockchain technology, a secure digital ledger, for trustworthy data storage and verifiable transactions. This forms the foundation for a reliable and secure internet.

Decentralized Identifier (DID)

Unlike traditional identifiers, DIDs empower each node with complete control over its unique identity in public network. This fosters a secure and transparent network environment, where users can trust the authenticity of the nodes they connect to.

ZK Proofs

This innovative technology allows you to prove you possess certain information without revealing the information itself. This ensures privacy while maintaining security and trust within the decentralized network.

Road to Success
Partners and Supporters

Revolutionizing Internet Access Through the Power of DePIN

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